Finding the right bike for you

Bike Sizing

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We are always here to help you with selecting the right size bike for you. Where as some may instinctively know which is the right size for them, so of you will need some guidance. 

At Ride Fire we believe that rather than give you an online calculator that may or may not be correct, the best approach is to talk you through it, discuss your needs and if required, point you in the direction of a recommended bike fitter.  

If you need any help at all, drop us a line:

To help you along the way, here are our frame geometry charts. 

01Aero Road Bikes
Seat Tube Length Centre to Top (mm)470500520540560
Effective Top Tube Length (mm)510530540563577
Head Tube Length (mm)105115135155180
Chain Stay Length (mm)405405405405405
Seat Tube Angle75°74°74°73.5°73.5°
Head Tube Angle71.5°72.5°73°73.5°73.5°
Bottom Bracket Drop (mm)7272727273
Fork Rake (mm)4545454545
Wheelbase (mm)9679699759871002
Stack (mm)518530552572596
Reach (mm)372378382393401
02Road Bikes
Effective Top Tube
Length (mm)
Head Tube
Length (mm)
Chain Stay
Length (mm)
Seat Tube Angle75°74.5°74°73.5°73.0°
Head Tube Angle72°72.3°72.6°72.8°73.1°
Wheelbase (mm)9599739859981011
Stack (mm)512532553573591
Reach (mm)371379388396404
03All Terrain Bikes
Seat Tube Length Centre to Top (mm)500530550570590
Effective Top Tube Length (mm)525540560580600
Head Tube Length (mm)115130150170190
Chain Stay Length (mm)435435435435435
Seat Tube Angle73.5°73.5°73.5°73.5°73.5°
Head Tube Angle71°71.5°72°72.5°72.5°
Bottom Bracket Drop (mm)7070707070
Fork Rake (mm)5050505050
Wheelbase (mm)10091020103510511071
Stack (mm)536552573593613
Reach (mm)366376390404418